History, Gender and Migration. Atlantic world XIXth-XXth centuries (French version)


Conference organised by the Centre d’histoire sociale (Université Paris I), l’équipe Réseaux-Savoirs-Territoires (École Normale Supérieure)

With the help of « Identités, cultures, territoires » l’Université Paris VII, laboratoire de sciences sociales de l’École Normale Supérieure (ENS-EHESS), and Centre d’enseignement, de Documentation et de Recherches pour les Etudes Féministes (Université Paris VII)

27-29 mars 2006

Responsable : Philippe Rygiel, Université Paris I, Mail

Call for paper


Gender history and international migration history have been in recent years two very active and exciting fields of study. Despite some recent works, they still appear however to produce distinct narratives of history. This conference aims to facilitate cross-fertilisation of gender and migration studies. Gender allows us to take a new look at the concepts used by historians of migration, and to revise some of the usual themes. The migrant's experience is structured by gender, so are the memories and images of migration. Migration policies often differ according to gender, as do migrants' political and social activities. In turn, migration can affect the ways in which gender is defined and acted upon, within the host as well as the home society.
Submissions made by doctoral students and recent graduates are especially encouraged as well as proposals addressing more specifically one of the themes below:

Proposals should include

Proposals need to be sent before October 1, 2005 to: [email protected], Mail

Papers should be sent 1/3/2006

Scientific comitee

Nicole Fouché (CNRS)
Nancy Green (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales)
Natacha Lillo (Université Paris VII, laboratoire ICT, CEDREF)
Manuela Martini (Université de Paris VII, laboratoire ICT, CEDREF)
Gérard Noiriel (EHESS/GTMS)
Philippe Rygiel (Université Paris I, CHS, ERST)
Natalia Tikhonov (Institut des hautes études européennes, Robert Schuman, Strasbourg)
Serge Weber (Université Aix-Marseille)

Transport and accomodation

Presenters whose institutions do not provide travel expenses may be eligible for some financial aid.

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