A. Biographical information
1. Personal
- Name: Terence Russon WOOLDRIDGE
- University address: Trinity College, Toronto M5S 1H8
- Office telephone: 416-978-2885
- Office fax: 416-978-4949
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Web site: www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wulfric/
2. Degrees
- B.A. Hons. (French), Manchester University, 1962
- Grad. Cert. in Education, Manchester University, 1963
- Cert. de linguistique appliquée, Université de Besançon, 1964
- Doctorat d'Université, Université de Paris-III, 1972
Title of doctoral thesis:
"Le Thresor de Nicot (1606) et les débuts de la lexicographie française"
(Director: Bernard Quemada)
3. Employment
- 1985-: Professor, Department of French, U. of Toronto
- 1985-: Fellow, Trinity College
- 1983-1985: Cross appointment, Trinity College
- 1976-1985: Associate Professor, Dept. of French, U. of Toronto
- 1972-1976: Assistant Professor, Dept. of French, U.C., U. of Toronto
- 1966-1972: Lecturer, Dept. of French, U.C., U. of Toronto
- Date of appointment to graduate school: January 1976
- Date of tenure award: 1 July 1974
- Other appointments
- 1998: Visiting Professor, Universit� de Limoges
- 1997: Visiting Professor, Universit� de Limoges
- 1990-1991: Visiting Professor, Université de Nice
(invitation declined)
- 1972-1973: Visiting Fellow, University of Essex
- 1963-1966: Enseignant d'anglais, Université de Besançon
- 1960-1961: Lecteur d'anglais, Lycée Alain, Alençon
5. Professional Affiliations and Activities
- Board of Directors, Collection 3L, Didier, Montréal
- Editorial Board, Cahiers de lexicologie, Didier, Paris
- Member, Société de linguistique romane
- Editorial Board, Le français préclassique, Lyon
- Member, European Association for Lexicography
- Member, Association for Computers in the Humanities
- Series Editor, CCH Working Papers
- Vice-President and founding member, Société Internationale d'Études
Historiques et Linguistiques des Dictionnaires Anciens (SIEHLDA). http://www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/~wulfric/siehlda/
- Co-editor, Computing in the Humanities Working Papers. http://www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/epc/chwp/
- Foreign Correspondent of Mus�e du Dictionnaire de Tr�voux
- Associate Editor, Editorial Designer and Webmaster of PC3 Village. http://www.pc3village.org/
- Editor of le Net des �tudes fran�aises. http://www.etudes-francaises.net/
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