B. Academic History
6a. Research Endeavours
- 1969-73 The filiation of French-Latin dictionaries of the 16th-17th c.
(Location: libraries in Canada, USA, UK, France, Switzerland).
- 1974-5 Typology of onomasiological dictionaries.
- 1976-8 The use of explicated films in language teaching.
- 1979- Research programme in French lexicography, REFLEX, including: a)
Estienne-Nicot Project (see 1979- below); b) information retrieval systems
(see 1988- below); c) metalexical and lexical database (see 1992- below);
d) Académie Project (see 1994- below). The programme was constituted in
1982 at the University of Toronto as an Unité de recherches linguistiques
associée of the Institut national de la langue française (CNRS). The
research unit has two full-time academic members: T.R. Wooldridge
(director) and B.S. Merrilees, who has for several years been engaged in
similar projects in the field of manuscript lexicography.
- 1979- The Estienne-Nicot Project (TIDEN). A lexical and lexicographical
analysis of the principal French dictionaries of the Renaissance,
resulting in and by means of computer-produced concordances and computer
data bases. Location: Trinity College, University of Toronto and Institut
national de la langue française, Nancy. Research assistants: F. Coutts, P.
di Virgilio. (See RenDico: http://www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/~wulfric/tiden/.)
- 1988- CopuLex: Dictionary Information Retrieval Systems Project: a study
of the articulation of information in French dictionaries from the
Renaissance to the present; by means of a computer database of
representative samples. Location: Trinity College, University of Toronto.
Research assistants: P. Bessler, A. Ikse-Vitols, T. Nadasdi.
- 1989-91 Founding co-director (with C. Poirier, Laval) of Quebec literature
data base, component of Trésor informatisé de la langue française
(Industries de la langue, La Francophonie).
- 1992- FLEXVI: Metalexical and lexical study of Renaissance French: a study
of 16th-early 17th-century French dictionaries and their literary sources,
by means of a computerized database containing the dictionary and source
texts. Location: Trinity College, University of Toronto. Research
assistants: R. Kidder, J. Shaw. (See RenTexte: http://www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/~wulfric/rentexte/.)
- 1994- InfoDAF: Methodological, linguistic and historical study of the
historically most important French dictionary, the Dictionnaire de
l'Académie française, by means of a computerized database of the eight
complete editions (1694-1935). Location: Université de Lyon III and
Trinity College, University of Toronto. (See Académie Sample Database: http://www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/~wulfric/academie/.)
- 1997- Study of 17th- and 18th-century French dictionaries, in collaboration with I. Leroy-Turcan (Lyon III) and P. Caron (Limoges). (See Base �chantillon des Dictionnaires fran�ais anciens: http://www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/~wulfric/naf/.)
- 1999- Study of 19th-century French language, in collaboration with J.-Ph. Saint-G�rand (Clermont-Ferrand). (See Langue du XIXe si�cle: http://www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/~wulfric/langueXIX/.)
- 2000- Critical evaluation of online resources: ACRE (Appr�ciation critique de ressources en ligne). (See Le Net des �tudes fran�aises: http://www.etudes-francaises.net/.)
6b. Research Awards
- 1981-82 SSHRC Research Grant for Estienne-Nicot Project (awarded March
1981): $46,631
- 1982-84 SSHRC Research Grant for Estienne-Nicot Project (awarded March
1982): $92,246
- 1984-86 SSHRC Research Grant for Estienne-Nicot Project (awarded March
1984): $67,524
- 1979-86 The Institut national de la langue française (CNRS) provided
matching funding for the above in the form of services worth
approximately $12,500 p.a.
- 1987-88 U. of T. Research Board HSSC grant for Estienne-Nicot Database
and Concordances (awarded Nov. 1987): $1020
- 1987-88 Trinity College SSHRC research grant for Estienne-Nicot Project
(awarded Nov. 1987): $509.58
- 1988-90 SSHRC Research Grant for Estienne-Nicot Project (awarded March
1988): $25,310
- 1988-89 U. of T. Research Board HSSC General Research Grant for Estienne-
Nicot Project (awarded May 1988): $2,769.75
- 1989-90 U. of T. Research Board HSSC General Research Grant for Estienne-
Nicot Project (awarded May 1989): $1,250
- 1989 Trinity College SSHRCC research travel grant (awarded May 1989):
- 1990-93 SSHRC Research Grant for Dictionary Information Retrieval Systems
Project (awarded April 1990): $136,858
- 1993-96 SSHRC Research Grant for study of Renaissance dictionary sources
(FLEXVI Project) (awarded April 1993): $52,000
- 1997-98 University of Toronto grant for Dictionnaire de l'Acad�mie fran�aise computerization project: $3,000
- 2000 SSJRCC Conference grant for International conference on "Les �tudes fran�aises valoris�es par les nouvelles technologies d'information et de communication" (Toronto, 12-13 mai 2000): $10,000
6c. Other Awards
[Table of contents]